Novato, CA Dentist - Myron Donesky, DDS., Inc. - General Dentistry in Novato
Myron L. Donesky, DDS. Inc., general and cosmetic dentistry for the whole family. An oasis of tranquility located in Novato and serving all of Marin County.
Hello and welcome to our website, which we hope you will find both interesting and informative. But even more, we hope that it enables you to learn about us. We have a caring and friendly team who will give you the individualized attention you deserve. You will find that our team is seasoned and experienced and is uncompromising in their efforts on your behalf.
Visit our office and you will learn that you are our primary concern. Our goal is to help you and your family achieve your goals for a healthy mouth and natural smile, in part by giving you the information you need to make informed decisions about your oral health. Growing scientific evidence indicates that an unhealthy mouth can lead to, or make worse, other health problems such as diabetes, heart disease and even cancer. So you might say that a healthier you, begins with your smile. We truly believe in the preservation, protection and restoration of the teeth which we were born with, but we also believe it is sometimes possible to create an even more beautiful smile than the one that nature gave us.
As for service, we are dedicated to your comfort and satisfaction through personalized, quality dentistry and comprehensive care. You can count on us for experience that you can trust.

Contact us Today!
I genuinely hope this site is helpful to you in learning more about our practice, dental conditions and treatments, dental recommendations, and more.
So please browse through our website and then give our office a call to make an appointment or request an appointment online and see that experiencing oasis is possible.
--Dr. Donesky--
Myron L. Donesky, DDS., Inc.
7250 Redwood Blvd
Suite 210
Novato, CA 94945
Phone: (415) 897-9642
Fax: (415) 897-4640
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